Water Services
If you are a customer of the Water Utility, you have a service line that connects your home or business to the water system to provide you with potable water. The size, age, material, and location of each property's service line does vary based on the location.
The Utility is responsible for maintaining every service line from the connection point at the water main to the curb box, including the curb stop valve (see diagram below).
Customers are responsible to maintain the service line from the point of connection at the curb box to and through the home or business.
The responsibility to maintain water service lines is also outlined in detail within the City of Lake Geneva's Municipal Code 78-179.
Diagram by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources:
water meters
Within homes and businesses, the Utility owns and is responsible for maintaining the water meter that is used to generate customer billings.
Typically, meters are set in a meter horn or resetter, depending on the age of the plumbing within a building. In modern installations, there are also isolation valves present on each side of the meter, while older settings may only have one valve on the street (incoming) side of the meter. All valves, piping, and meter settings in a home or business are considered plumbing and are the customer's maintenance responsibility.
sewer laterals
If you are a customer of the Sewer Utility, your home or business is connected to the sanitary sewer collection system via a sanitary lateral. Each customer has maintenance responsibility for the entire sewer lateral, from the point of connection at the sewer main to and through the building.
The responsibility to maintain water service lines is also outlined in detail within the City of Lake Geneva's Municipal Code 78-267.
Diagram by City of Madison, WI: